Sunday 23 October 2016

Why don't successful and educated Indian Muslims stand up against triple talaq?

Bismillah,regarding triple talaq debate is going on I will try to clarify few things.
first in Islam during marriage itself they will ask to both bride and bride groom whether they are agree with this marriage proposal or not before everybody. so even if family try to force them they can enclose it before them.
marriage will be done in such a way from both the families witness should be there . so in future if any thing goes wrong they can call those witness's and ask them for help.
so my question is now don't you think during marriage itself they will ask both male and female before witness . how they will forgot during divorce . right?
and answer is during divorce also same procedure is there. here I am referencing from Quran. any body can cross verify it.
Divorce be given in the presence of two just witnesses. It is stated in Surah Talaq: And call to witness two just men among you. (Surah At- Talaq-2)
Should you fear that division will arise amongst them, appoint an arbitrator on the husband’s side and an arbitrator on the wife’s side from amongst their relatives and send them to them. As soon as they desire peace and reconciliation, the Lord will vouchsafe it to them for he is all-knowing and wise.” (Qur’an 4:35)
As for those women from whom you fear defiance, admonish them, leave them a/one in their beds, and beat them (lightly). Then if they obey you, seek not an excuse against them. Verily Allah is Most High, Great.” (Surah An-nisa-34)
 In this verse three remedial measures have been directed to be adopted by the husband in the case of a disobeying or defiant wife. The first one is to admonish her, that is such words to be spoken to her as would tempt her mind and heart to accept the reformatory attempts. If this attempt fails, then the second measure should be adopted, that is she should be isolated in her bed so that she should realize that her husband is displeased with her. If even this measure also is unsuccessful, then the husband should raise his hand to hit her; but this hitting should not be to satisfy his anger, but with a view to disciplining and reforming her. It should be borne in mind that the husband should not hit her hard, but lightly. For beating the wife in an aggressive and tyrannical was is strictly forbidden. In a hadith it is stated:
“Do not hit her face. Do not abuse, and do not leave her alone except in the home.” (Abu Dawood)
In another hadith it is stated:
“Hit them but not in a way that would be hard and painful for them.” (Muslim)
If a dispute has arisen between the husband and the wife and their living together as husband and wife is becoming difficult, in such a situation the direction of Islam is that the decision to give divorce should not be taken immediately, but all efforts should be made for reconciliation between the two disputants, and if it becomes necessary, even to take suitable disciplinary action. The procedures to be adopted in this connection are given in the Qur’an are as under:
“Live with them in a good manner. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah has placed (for you) much good therein.” (Surah An-A/isa- 19).
It is possible that the wife may not be beautiful, but may have good character; and it is possible that there may be something wanting in her temperament but against that there may be some other good qualities in her that may be useful for the conjugal happiness, e.g. she may have sincere love for her husband and may be taking great pains to serve him in every way she can. The Prophet (SallaI lahu alaihi wa saliam) has said:
“No Momin (believer) male should hate a Momth female; if one particular trait of her character is disliked by him, (possibly) oilier trait would be liked by him.” (Muslim).
Treat women fairly, because a woman is born form the rib (of Adam,), and the most curved part of the rib is its upper part. If you would try to straighten it, you would break it, and if you would leave it alone, it would remain curved Therefore, give women better treatment.” (Bukhari,).
hope you guys understand it. my opinion is this law is made by Allah (Creator or God) so as a human we don't have the right to remove it. even a Muslim doesn't have the right to remove or change it.
So my point is what view media is projecting about talaq is wrong.
Courtesy : Quora