Sunday 23 October 2016

Why don't successful and educated Indian Muslims stand up against triple talaq?

Bismillah,regarding triple talaq debate is going on I will try to clarify few things.
first in Islam during marriage itself they will ask to both bride and bride groom whether they are agree with this marriage proposal or not before everybody. so even if family try to force them they can enclose it before them.
marriage will be done in such a way from both the families witness should be there . so in future if any thing goes wrong they can call those witness's and ask them for help.
so my question is now don't you think during marriage itself they will ask both male and female before witness . how they will forgot during divorce . right?
and answer is during divorce also same procedure is there. here I am referencing from Quran. any body can cross verify it.
Divorce be given in the presence of two just witnesses. It is stated in Surah Talaq: And call to witness two just men among you. (Surah At- Talaq-2)
Should you fear that division will arise amongst them, appoint an arbitrator on the husband’s side and an arbitrator on the wife’s side from amongst their relatives and send them to them. As soon as they desire peace and reconciliation, the Lord will vouchsafe it to them for he is all-knowing and wise.” (Qur’an 4:35)
As for those women from whom you fear defiance, admonish them, leave them a/one in their beds, and beat them (lightly). Then if they obey you, seek not an excuse against them. Verily Allah is Most High, Great.” (Surah An-nisa-34)
 In this verse three remedial measures have been directed to be adopted by the husband in the case of a disobeying or defiant wife. The first one is to admonish her, that is such words to be spoken to her as would tempt her mind and heart to accept the reformatory attempts. If this attempt fails, then the second measure should be adopted, that is she should be isolated in her bed so that she should realize that her husband is displeased with her. If even this measure also is unsuccessful, then the husband should raise his hand to hit her; but this hitting should not be to satisfy his anger, but with a view to disciplining and reforming her. It should be borne in mind that the husband should not hit her hard, but lightly. For beating the wife in an aggressive and tyrannical was is strictly forbidden. In a hadith it is stated:
“Do not hit her face. Do not abuse, and do not leave her alone except in the home.” (Abu Dawood)
In another hadith it is stated:
“Hit them but not in a way that would be hard and painful for them.” (Muslim)
If a dispute has arisen between the husband and the wife and their living together as husband and wife is becoming difficult, in such a situation the direction of Islam is that the decision to give divorce should not be taken immediately, but all efforts should be made for reconciliation between the two disputants, and if it becomes necessary, even to take suitable disciplinary action. The procedures to be adopted in this connection are given in the Qur’an are as under:
“Live with them in a good manner. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah has placed (for you) much good therein.” (Surah An-A/isa- 19).
It is possible that the wife may not be beautiful, but may have good character; and it is possible that there may be something wanting in her temperament but against that there may be some other good qualities in her that may be useful for the conjugal happiness, e.g. she may have sincere love for her husband and may be taking great pains to serve him in every way she can. The Prophet (SallaI lahu alaihi wa saliam) has said:
“No Momin (believer) male should hate a Momth female; if one particular trait of her character is disliked by him, (possibly) oilier trait would be liked by him.” (Muslim).
Treat women fairly, because a woman is born form the rib (of Adam,), and the most curved part of the rib is its upper part. If you would try to straighten it, you would break it, and if you would leave it alone, it would remain curved Therefore, give women better treatment.” (Bukhari,).
hope you guys understand it. my opinion is this law is made by Allah (Creator or God) so as a human we don't have the right to remove it. even a Muslim doesn't have the right to remove or change it.
So my point is what view media is projecting about talaq is wrong.
Courtesy : Quora

Sunday 25 September 2016

What are the interesting things about Google Assistant in Google Allo?

Google Assistant
Finally, Siri like experience for Android users! If you have used chat bots like Slack, it won’t take you much time to get acquainted with the in-built virtual assistant that Allo has to offer. You can call on Google Assistant at any time just by typing "@google" in Allo. For example, if you and your friend are making plans to visit a Chinese restaurant in your area, you can simply type in your query in the chat window to bring up these results. Google Assistant will proactively suggest options to your queries at the bottom of the app's messaging window. That means you no longer have to leave your messaging app to do a quick Google search for your favourite restaurants, Coldplay concert details, movie time and so on. You can simply copy the information from the bottom window to your chat window and share it with your friends. Allo's Google Assistant can get everything done in the app itself. During the launch of the app in May, Sundar Pichai, Google CEO said, “Think of the assistant, we think of it as a conversational assistant, we want users to have an ongoing two-way dialogue.”

It have some intellectual answers too.. but using google allo just for this would not be appreciated... well you can read more other features of it here- Google Allo - Google's New Messaging app with lots of features

Courtesy : Quora

How is Google Allo better than WhatsApp?

Allo is the newest smart messenger from Google that has created quite a stir, the app is available from Google play store. The app is super easy to use and has already gained tremendous amount of popularity with users. The download has already hit millions.Now you are going to setup google allo.

Google Allo: Getting Started
As with any app running on Android Marshmallow or later, the set up involves agreeing to a few permissions. Once you’ve agreed, you’ll get to a screen requiring access to your SIM/mobile number, which then activates the system and registers it to your number, similar to WhatsApp. After this you must provide a selfie for a profile picture, this is the last step in the set up process and will be directed to the inbox and you start messaging right away.
The features of Allo
The app comes with a load of impressive features that have made it so popular with users all over the word, in fact most of the other apps are on the brink of extinction ever since Allo has hit the market. Some of the noteworthy features are listed below.
Smart reply option: Get smooth assistance with this feature when you are having a conversation with a friend. The app has tailored made replies that will fit the context of the conversation.
Exhaustive emoji library: When words fail then express your feelings with an emoji, you will find emojis for every emotion you wish to express.
Incognito mode: This is one feature that all the users love, have any conversation from emotional stuff to the dirty gossips and leave no record. The feature lets you avail a timer facility that will delete any conversation automatically.

Allo is one application that is set to secure a place above all the others with its easy installation process and fabulous features.

Courtesy; Quora

How expensive is it to own and maintain a Tesla?

The cost of ownership is very low, I would imagine. There’s little scheduled maintenance for electric motors and batteries and a simplified drivetrain as there would be for and ICE with lots of moving parts and a transmission. EV’s don’t have these parts that can break or need maintenance:

No cooling system- no radiator, no radiator hoses, no thermostat, no water pump

No transmission, No differential, No alternator,

No alternator, no serpentine drive belt

No oil changes, no transmission fluid

No valves, no lifters no cams, no oil cooler, no timing belt

No spark plugs, distributor, carburetor or fuel injectors, fuel pump, air cleaner, oxygen sensor, MAF

No vacuum system, no emissions control

No exhaust system catalytic converter

Reduced wear on brakes with regenerative braking

Electricity for charging is cheaper per mile than gasoline and you can get it in your garage, and in many public places you can get it free.

Whew, that’s a lot of stuff, one of the big advantages of EVs, to my thinking.

You still have a smaller list of stuff - shocks, suspension, tires, wheels, brakes, wheel bearings, steering, Computer.

But they’re still quite expensive to own because of the purchase price. You can’t touch the currently available model S for under $70,000 probably, definitely in the luxury car class.

Courtesy : Quora

What will be the consequences of the massive data breach at Yahoo affecting 500 million accounts?

An investigation by Yahoo confirmed that personal information linked with at least 500 million user accounts was stolen.
This is due to a data breach which took place in the last months of 2014. The stolen information included names, email addresses, dates of birth, telephone numbers, some passwords, and also a number of security questions & answers. Yahoo also stated that card payment and bank account information was not stolen.
Yahoo is now recommending users to change their passwords if they haven’t changed them after 2014.
All this comes at an uncomfortable time for Yahoo as it is in the middle of selling its digital operations to Verizon Communications for $4.8 billion.
  • As Verizon doesn't know much about the data breach, the company wants to evaluate every detail of the breach and its investigation.
“We will evaluate as the investigation continues through the lens of overall Verizon interests, including consumers, customers, shareholders and related communities,” the company said in a statement.
  • This news could slow things down in regards to the Verizon-Yahoo deal as the deal doesn't close until next year.
  • The breach would cause trouble for the both companies: adversing press, regulator inspections and the major user base creating a fuss.
Analyst Robert Peck of SunTrust Robinson Humphrey said the breach wasn't seemingly enough to make Verizon abandon its deal with Yahoo, but it could call for a price decrease of $100 million to $200 million, depending on how many users leave Yahoo.
Steven Caponi, an attorney at K&L Gates with a practice including merger litigation, said that Yahoo's breach could fall under the "material adverse change", clause common in mergers allowing a buyer to walk away if its target's value decreases.

"That would give Verizon the opportunity to renegotiate the terms or potentially walk away from the transaction if it is a material change. Whether it is a material change will depend in large part on what kind of information was compromised," Caponi said.
Courtesy : Quora 

What are the key details behind the Yahoo! password breach?

Officially the largest breach announced publicly
A massive password breach happened in 2014. Information from at least 500 million Yahoo accounts was stolen from the company in 2014. It was officially announced yesterday i.e. on 22nd September.
State-sponsored hackers might me responsible for what may be the largest-ever theft of personal user data, as said by the company.
According to the company, it said that the hackers penetrated it’s network in late 2014 ans stole personal data of 500 million users.
According to the company the stolen data includes :-
1.) names
2.) Email Addresses
3.)Telephone numbers
4.) dates of birth and
5.)Encrypted passwords.
According to the wallstreet Journal the breach at yahoo is believed to be largest ever publicly disclosed by a company.
Who’s Affected :-
Despite the enormous number of people affected by this breach, the biggest victim may be yahoo itself. This is because it is trying to make a deal to sell itself to verizon for almost 4.8 billion dollars. Now due to this details, the share price may fall rapidly.
But is said that it reset the passwords of affected users and begun the process of notifying victims by email.
How Serious is This?
The most serious problem for Yahoo users would be if the cryptographically hashed passwords exposed in the hack can be cracked and used. Yahoo stated that the “vast majority” of its passwords had been encrypted with the bcrypt hashing scheme, which is believed to be relativelt tough for hackers to decipher. But details of Yahoo’s hashing scheme and the fraction of leaked passwords that use it aren’t clear.
Yahoo has warned victims of the breach to be wary of “unsolicited communications that ask for your personal information or refer you to a web page asking for personal information.” The leak provides a bounty of leads for both text-message and email-based phishing schemes that trick users into giving up more information.
But the most damaging aspect of the affair may yet turn out to be its timing: Yahoo’s buyout deal is set to become a test case of whether a massive corporate sale can weather an equally massive hacking debacle.
How to identify whether you are hacked:-
Yahoo has 1 billion monthly active users on its services overall and just 225 million monthly active users for its Yahoo Mail service, according to figures the company gave CNET in June.
So check the email affiliated with your Yahoo account if you haven't already. Yahoo has started sending out notifications to users, and you should be receiving one at that account if you were affected by the data breach.
Prevention :-
Change your password
Yahoo is recommending that people who haven't changed their password since 2014 do so now. The company says the passwords that hackers stole were encrypted -- scrambled up with a tool called bcrypt. This kind of encryption can potentially be broken with enough persistence.
Ask yourself, 'Did I use this password somewhere else?'
It's a common habit. Use the same password for lots of different accounts. If this breach has anything to teach you, it's that this is a terrible idea.
If you recycled your Yahoo password on a different account, go change your password on that account too. The hackers who have your password could easily try it on a whole bunch of different websites -- think bank websites or health insurance websites -- to try to access information beyond your Yahoo account.
Delete old accounts you don't use

While you're thinking about all the accounts you have out there, ask yourself why you even have them. If you don’t use better delete them.

Courtesy : Quora

Saturday 24 September 2016

What are the major differences between Allo and WhatsApp?

Do you think Google Allo can compete with WhatsApp?

Why is iOS 10 so terribly designed?

First, the lock screen.
Let me start off by saying that I wholeheartedly agree with you. I don't understand why Apple would go to the trouble of building a secure platform, and then develop a super-convenient method of unlocking the device that only required the tap of a finger, only to then, by design, make so much information accessible without needing to authenticate.
I suppose the answer is convenience. It's almost as if Apple realizes how complex iOS has become, with information buried in every nook and cranny, and it now wants to make that information plainly visible.
Problem is, putting it on the lock screen makes it plainly visible to all.
Ever since Touch ID was introduced, you just tap the Home button, and then you're into your device, but with iOS 10, you can unlock the device and still be on the lock screen. You have to tap the Home button again to get to your apps. I get why Apple did this -- because people would just blow past anything on the lock screen, like notifications and such, but in iOS 10, Apple wants to make more use of the lock screen. But it feels more like Apple wants to force me to use the lock screen rather than make it a useful feature. You can still blow past the lock screen -- just tap and hold the Home button -- but I feel like I'm forced to change how I work because Apple wants to show me the new lock screen's cool features.
A few days ago I thought I'd get used to this feature and be able to blast past it, but a few days on from that optimistic prediction and I'm not so confident anymore.
I also hate to think just how many bugs and lock screen bypasses are in all this new code.
The lock screen also highlights another problem in iOS 10 -- how much space notifications take up and waste. Information is displayed in huge "flash card" style panels, but the text is tiny and there's tons of wasted space. Also, while these panels might work out great in Apple's lab during testing, if you get a lot of notifications then they really become unwieldy to use.
Also, when you swipe to view or clear the notification, you get to see a jumbo set of buttons, but once again featuring a tiny font.
There's also a lot more horizontal swiping in iOS 10. In fact, horizontal swiping seems to be the new vertical swiping. For example, from the lock screen you swipe left to access the camera, rather than swiping up. I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish, especially since you seem to have to make a huge, exaggerated swipe. I used to be able to access the camera from the lock screen with my thumb when I had to swipe up pretty reliably, but my success rate with this new swipe is much lower.
This is, to me, the perfect example of change for the sake of change, with an added twist of not really working all that well.
And then there are the horizontal scrolling inconsistencies.
For example, on the lock screen, a horizontal swipe takes me to the camera, but once in the Camera app, horizontal swiping is used to switch between different camera settings. Instinctively, I want to swipe out, but I can't and have to use the Home button. It's a minor gripe, but it highlights a big disconnect between the developers who wrote the code for the lock screen and the developers who work on the Camera app.
This all feels weirdly inconsistent.
Then there are interface contradictions where I'm shifting from the new look to the old look. Take, for example, switching from the Notifications panel, with its new look, to the search box, which retains the old look. This may be because the interface is incomplete, but I'm guessing that's not the case.
Apple also seems to have tweaked the app opening/closing animations, making them even more gratuitous and annoying. While I'm not sure whether this actually slows down opening/closing apps, it's now really gaudy and very tasteless.
I'm also not a big fan of the new Messages app. Here too we're seeing the gaudy deprecating important features. For example, you can't seem to select text to copy from a message anymore, you have to copy the whole thing. This is because of the popups to allow you to send canned responses to messages.
But all this pales compared to what Apple has done to the Control Center box. Behold this monstrosity.
There are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin.
  • Why is the Night Shift button so crazy big?
  • Do the colors on the circular buttons for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and such mean anything in particular (beyond the fact that the setting is on/off)?
  • Why has the volume control been shifted over to a second screen along with the other media controls (the volume control slider is really useful right now given that the iOS 10 beta seems to have a problem with the hardware volume control buttons at times)?
The new Control Center panel is so bad that I'm left to assume one of two things:
  • 4:00 pm came around on the day that the code for the beta was supposed to be finalized and this panel had not been done, so someone knocked this together in a few minutes as a placeholder.
  • Someone let their young child design it.
I don't understand why this panel wastes so much space, and I don't know why it has to extend over two panels (why can't it just vertical scroll?).
The iOS 10 Control Center ranks not only as one of the worst user interface designs by Apple, but as one of the worst by any major software developer.
Now, I'm hoping that the iOS 10 public beta is just an early release, and that the interface is going to see a lot more refinement over the coming months. But with only two months left before release (probably less than that because iOS 10 will need to be loaded onto the millions of new iPhone 7 handsets in advance of them being sold), I'm not holding out much hope to be honest with you.

Courtesy : Quora

Sunday 18 September 2016

How can India be improved?

  • By learning to respect the queue.

  • By putting in a little more effort to find the nearest trash bin.

  • By having the slightest bit of patience on roads.

  • By thinking a little more before doing anything.

  • By showing more concern about their lack of civic sense.

  • By having a little more respect for women.

  • By being conscious that there is more to their job than just earning money.

  • By being more considerate of other people's time.

  • By believing in this.

  • By understanding that everyone has the right to quality education.

  • By getting rid of the lingering caste divide.

  • And most importantly, by respecting other people's profession no matter what they do.

Courtesy : Quora

Have you ever looked at your uncooked rice with a magnifying glass?

If the picture you are showing is what you saw, and you were in Greece I would tell you to take it to the closest Food authority office. This is NOT allowed!
And no it is not normal and it is not usual! Not at all! And I’ve done this professionally and looked at army and prison provisions. I remember only one case that had bugs (a supermarket sample). They got to pay a rather hefty fine.

Courtesy : Quora

What is the procedure to transfer SB account from one branch to other in SBI?

To transfer your account to another branch in SBI you can
  1. Fill an application form mentioning the branch name and branch code of the particular branch where you want to transfer your account at your home branch and submit it. The account will be transferred.
  2. If you cannot go to your home branch and submit the application form, mail a scanned application/ request letter affixing your signatures as present in the bank's database, mentioning where you want your account to be transferred.
  3. Go to the branch where you want to get your account transferred and give them an application for the same, they will mail your home branch and your account will get transferred.
Sometimes it does require a little follow up from the customer's side to get the account transferred, but mostly it could be done in a day.

Courtesy : Quora

Saturday 17 September 2016

What are the happiest pictures you've ever seen?

My daughter
She is seven weeks in this picture. When I told her pediatrician she laughs already, she thought it was just gas. This picture shut her up :).
She has other moods as well.
But she is usually very happy
This one makes me happy as well.
I hope I can keep that smile on her face always.
EDIT: One more that makes me very happy

Courtesy and content copied from Quora.

What after becoming Bank PO if, I wanna join some foreign bank and earn in dollars?

Listen, our Banking and International Banking or very different.  UK USA may not need Indian Banking professionals. But you may get opportunities in Canada or Gulf countries.
If you want to earn as a Banker in Foreign Currency, join a Foreign Bank in India. If you are exceedingly good, you may get foreign placements.  Even in PSBs/New Private Sector Banks , you may get deputed to their Foreign Branches , if you are excellent but only for period of 1–4 years.

Courtesy : Quora